PMSA President John McLaurin Retires After 29-Years with the Association

Contact: Natasha Villa


OAKLAND, CA – The Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA) marked the retirement of its President, John McLaurin, today after 29 years of dedicated service.

McLaurin joined PMSA as President in 1995 and has since served as a leading voice and advocate for the maritime industry. On his watch, PMSA members invested billions of dollars in new port infrastructure, expanded and modernized ocean freight and intermodal supply chains on the US West Coast, and successfully implemented some of the most aggressive and expensive emissions reduction programs on the planet.

PMSA has flourished during his tenure, as he expanded and consolidated multiple, regional trade groups across California and Washington state into one coordinated advocacy and policy platform. As a result, PMSA went from a small office in San Francisco to a growing and effective operation with three offices in Long Beach, Oakland, and Seattle, providing robust representation across the West Coast.

“It has been an immense privilege to serve as the President of PMSA for the past 29 years,” said John McLaurin. “I am very proud of what the association staff and our membership have been able to accomplish together. I have been blessed with the support of a board of directors and a team of colleagues who have been fully invested in supporting our mission to protect and grow our Pacific trade gateways. I couldn’t be prouder of our team and am leaving confident that the industry will continue to be well represented by the PMSA team.

“John McLaurin leaves behind a legacy of success and integrity,” said G. Scott Jones, Chairman of the PMSA Board of Directors. “During his tenure at PMSA, we have watched the waterfront progress tremendously. We wholeheartedly thank John for his outstanding leadership at PMSA.”

PMSA Vice President and General Counsel Mike Jacob has been selected by the Board of Directors to serve as the next PMSA President.

About the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA)

The Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA) represents owners and operators of marine terminals, ocean carriers, and maritime industry stakeholders on the US West Coast. PMSA maintains offices in Oakland, Long Beach, and Seattle.


Background & Information for New PMSA President Mike Jacob


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